
From quality to prosperity, talents are the source of development


The Bank of the Yangtze River, the northern foot of Lushan Mountain, the famous county in southern Anhui, and the source of Huangmei Opera. Poetic landscape, Susong in the painting

  Our company is a key investment attraction enterprise in Susong County and a key project in Anhui Province. It is located in Susong economic development zone. It plans to invest a total of 4.5 billion yuan to form a high-intelligent and high-quality blended yarn production capacity of 1 million spindles, with an annual output of 180000 tons of high-quality yarn and an annual sales revenue of 5 billion yuan.

  The company has a total planned land area of 1100 mu in Susong Economic Development Zone, of which the investment in phase I project is 900 million yuan, the land is 200 mu, the construction of 200000 spindle spinning production line, the annual sales revenue is 1 billion yuan, the investment in phase II project is 3.6 billion yuan, the land is 900 mu, and the annual sales revenue is 4 billion yuan.

  The whole project belongs to the encouraged category in the catalogue of industrial structure guidance No. 29 of 2019 issued by the development and Reform Commission of the State Council. Its digitization, networking, intelligence, energy-saving employment, etc. have reached the level required by the made in China 2025 plan in advance.

  The phase I project started in June 2020 has a total construction area of 100000 m2, three workshops with a construction area of 80000 m2 and three employee apartment buildings with a construction area of 20000 m2. There are canteens, employee activity centers, libraries and supermarkets. Each employee has a 30 square meter apartment dormitory. The dormitory has an independent bathroom, kitchen, air conditioning, color TV, heating and 24-hour hot water to provide employees with a warm and comfortable working and living environment.

  The advanced and innovative features of our project are mainly embodied in the following aspects: the introduction of the most advanced blowing carding and coarse and thin production line in the international spinning industry from Switzerland and Germany to the realization of networking and intelligent seamless connection of main processes. The number of million spindles from the current mainstream enterprises to 50 people has been reduced to 15, the working efficiency of single people has increased by 200%, the output has increased by 20%, and the quality of products has been greatly improved. It is the first digital production line in Anhui, the first Internet plus thin and thin link in China. The layout covers the 5g network of the whole company, and establishes a unified data platform with all production equipment, remote computers and mobile phones. All design process adjustments no longer need to manually adjust the mechanical structure, but are completed with one click by remote computers or mobile phones, electronic display screens and central CNC center. The whole process of online data acquisition, monitoring and operation of the production line are realized; Complete smart spinning and smart IOT. Provide theoretical and practical basis for the integration of textile industry into digital Anhui, digital textile and digital factory, and bring huge economic benefits and long-term social impact.

   Workshop 1 was put into operation in late August this year. In the second month of operation, it achieved invoice sales of more than 20 million yuan, reaching the enterprise standard above the standard. The equipment of workshop 2 and 3 arrived in Susong in June in advance for installation. The roof of workshop 2 and 3 has been sealed and the trench ground construction is under way. The installation will begin at the end of November this year and will be fully put into operation in the first quarter of next year. At the same time, we have started the planning and construction of phase II project to ensure that all phase II projects are put into operation and effective during the 14th Five Year Plan period, so as to compete for the first place in Anqing in the Yangtze River Delta and make our greatest contribution to Susong's building the first textile industry!